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my favorite oliver + s pattern: alex from giddy ants

We love seeing what you create with Oliver + S patterns. The “my favorite Oliver + S pattern” series features Oliver + S fans who share what they’ve made and an added bonus is we get to know them better, too. Today we have Alex who is stopping by to talk about her favorite Oliver + S pattern and share the many wonderful versions she has sewn. Here she is.

Hi my name is Alex otherwise known as Giddy Ants and you can find details of my sewing exploits at my blog Giddy Ants or on Instagram.

A few years ago when my daughter was around 6 months old I finally gave sewing a try and instantly fell in love with it. Oliver + S was one of the first patterns I tried and I was quite blown away with the beautiful creations I saw on Flickr and the Blog. It seems quite surreal that I am here writing about my favourite Oliver + S pattern now, but here goes….

As many of you could probably relate it’s quite a challenge to choose just one pattern to be my favorite. I regularly sew their patterns and they always make me smile when my daughter Freya wears them. But if there’s one pattern I come back to again and again it would have to be the Lunch Box Culottes.

I sewed up my first pair shortly after it was released in this gorgeous red cotton I found. It was quite generous in sizing on my little one but I instantly loved them. I quickly adjusted elastic in the waist and got started straight away on my second pair.

The next pair I made was in a mustard yellow Cotton and Steel fabric. This really isn’t a color I was ever really drawn to but it was perfect for this pattern. I must admit to a spring in my step when I heard people admiring them as we walked past them in the shops.

The third pair was for the black and white challenge last year and I paired them with the Butterfly Blouse. I usually match them with a t-shirt but it was nice to see the culottes worn with a blouse instead. I still haven’t tried sewing the accompanying t-shirt in the pattern as I’m really not very confident at sewing with knits, but maybe one day I’ll give it a try.

I made another two pairs this summer. The first were made out of a spotty denim. The details on this pattern, as ever are gorgeous. It’s got a great design but is totally practical, especially for my active little one. She’s gotten a lot of wear out of them, at home, going out or at childcare.

For the latest pair I’ve made I used a larger polka dot print I had left over from a dress I made for myself. I think these ones have to be my favorites. I made a size three for my nearly four year old but I find that the fit lasts for a long time, another plus!

Looking at all these makes me want to break out the pattern and make yet another pair! The great thing is that they look great in plain fabric or more patterned prints. I hope this may have inspired you to give this pattern a try if you haven’t already.

Thanks Alex!

Would you like to take a little trip down sewing-memory-lane? If so, go visit Liesl’s introduction to the Lunch Box pattern from October 2014!


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