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pattern mash-up linky party

Happy 2016! To ring in the new year we have lots of fun and exciting things in store for you including a series highlighting the best from the blog last year. To catch everything be sure to visit the blog often or better yet subscribe via email and every blog post will arrive in your inbox. We’ll tell you more about the 2015 blog in review series soon, but in the meantime we have a new linky party that everyone can participate in.

Do you remember the Black and White Challenge that took place a few months back? It was a huge success with many participants. Well, we have a new challenge that @cybele727 started in the discussion forums. It’s called a Mash-up Challenge. The challenge is to mash-up one or more Oliver + S patterns. Click through to read more details about it.

There have been many fantastic mash-up creations already featured on the blog. Just to show you how easy it can be, here are some examples to inspire you. It can be as easy as adding Oliver + S pockets to the Sunny Day Shorts or to the Popover Sundress.

Do you like the Sunday Brunch Jacket, but wished it had a hood? No problem, grab the hood from the School Days Jacket!

This next creation resulted from mixing three different patterns! It includes the Playtime Tunic, the Hide-and-Seek Dress sleeves, and Jump Rope Dress sleeve tabs.

In our costume round-up, we shared these pretty dresses, can you guess which dress and sleeve patterns were used? You’ll find the answers under the photo. See if you got them all correct.

  1. Fairy Tale Dress with Library Dress sleeves
  2. Garden Party Dress with Apple Picking Dress sleeves
  3. Fairy Tale Dress with Apple Picking Dress sleeves

Presto change-o, turn the Penguin Backpack from the Little Things to Sew book into a Doll Carrier Backpack by adding the Bear Carrier which is also found in the book.

Now go and grab your Oliver + S patterns to mix and match. Take a photo and share your creation on social media, then link it up here. The linky party is open through February 5th, that gives you one month. Have fun!


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