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announcing the swingset skirt sew-along and linky party

We are happy to announce that there will be big fun ahead as we will be hosting a Swingset Skirt sew-along next month. We hope you will join us!

As you know the Swingset Skirt was updated with expanded sizes (including size 14!) recently. Liesl has already gathered Swingset Skirt inspiration and put together a Swingset Skirt inspiration Pinterest board, as well. And if that wasn’t enough you can get even more ideas from Melani’s favorite pattern post.



Want to sew a girl a twirly skirt? Check. Want it to have a cute drawstring detail? Got you covered. This is the sew-along for you. The Swingset Skirt has a one of four scissors difficulty level, so really anyone can sew this skirt. Come and sew along with your friends, speaking of which.…

We have something new, fun and exciting this time around. Six talented ladies have been gathered to form a panel.

Meet the Swingset Skirt sew-along panel

To kick off the sew-along, the first week of November we’ll feature each panelist on the blog. Each panelist will talk about their design decisions and fabric choices.

Swingset Skirt sew-along schedule

Day 1 (Monday November 9th): Prepare the outer skirt and skirt lining
Day 2 (Wednesday November 11th): Assemble the skirt and lining, feed the elastic through the casing
Day 3 (Friday November 13th): Make and insert the drawstring, hem and finish the skirt

How to participate

You know the drill with these sew-alongs. Get your pattern if you haven’t already. It is available as an Oliver + S Singles pattern in both paper and digital format. Also gather your fabric and supplies, and we will see you in the Discussion Forums Sew Alongs group on Monday November 9th!

Feel free to grab this optional button for your blog to show your participation.



Enter for your chance to win a great prize

Enter to win a $100 gift certificate to the Oliver + S website! When you have completed your Swingset Skirt, post it somewhere and then add a link to it using the button below. Any Swingset Skirts made since September 24th, 2015 can be entered. If you sew more than one skirt (because a girl can never have too many twirly skirts, right?), enter each skirt separately. All entries must be submitted by Friday November 20th 11:59 PM ET. The six panelists will vote for their favorite, and the winner will be announced on Monday November 23rd.

Happy Swingset Skirt sewing!


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