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Oliver + S

introducing kristin. yes, skirt as top kristin.

From time to time here on the blog we’ve featured the work of our friend Kristin from Skirt as Top, who makes all sorts of adorable clothing for her kids. Kristin is also one of the responsible parties for Film Petit, for which she has created ridiculously cute and clever outfits. I sort of love everything Kristin makes and look forward to seeing how she sews up our patterns for each release.

Kristin lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and two adorable kids. When we were in Portland for Quilt Market last spring, Kristin helped us out a lot with setting up our booth, and we got to hang out during our visit. While we were there, she told me that she learned to sew from our patterns, which just thrills me because her results are always amazing.




We’ve asked Kristin to join us by contributing some occasional blogging, and tomorrow she’ll get started with a photo tutorial for the welt pocket from our Art Museum Vest and Trousers. If you’ve been feeling at all intimidated by this pattern, fear not! Kristin will lead you through all the steps, with photos and extra tips and information to help you along.

Tune in tomorrow for Kristin’s first post! It’s going to be great.


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