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fabric friday: what comes to mind when you think of cotton?

I recently did an interview for an upcoming book about fabric, and the author told me she was having trouble getting any of the designers she interviewed to talk about cotton. When you work in the fashion industry, cotton is often looked down on. Designers like to work with fancier materials like silk, wool, and high-tech fabrics. Bonded fabrics are all the rage these days (silk bonded to wool, neoprene anything). These fabrics are all fascinating and interesting, and many customers are willing to pay more for special fabrics. Meanwhile, cotton is considered to be sort of low grade and common.

But let’s stop and think about what we really wear, shall we? Today I’m dressed in my favorite old jeans (rips and all) and a chambray shirt. Yesterday I wore a silk pencil skirt with a cotton T-shirt. My pajamas? Cotton. In real life, we wear a lot of cotton! Sure, we wear other things too, but there’s a reason the cotton industry markets itself as The Fabric of Our Lives. Cotton is comfortable, easy to care for, and affordable.

But when you think of cotton, what comes to mind? For many of us who sew, quilting cottons are the first thing we think of, probably because quilt shops are the only fabric stores in our neighborhoods. When apparel manufacturing moved overseas and ready-to-wear apparel became very affordable, many fabric stores in the U.S. closed, leaving mostly quilt shops. In many towns, quilt shops are the only fabric stores around! And since quilting cotton comes in a huge variety of colors and fun prints, and it’s inexpensive, we sew with it. But quilting cotton isn’t great for everything. Every fabric has its limitations, and quilting cotton is great for quilts, children’s apparel and some women’s apparel. (It can make cute shirts and dresses, but it doesn’t drape all that well so it’s not terrific for blouses and it can be a bit too lightweight for pants.)

Of course, when I think of cotton I also think of denim and jersey (jeans and T-shirts). Do you, too? What else do you think of? Here’s a list, in no particular order, of some other cotton fabrics and their characteristics.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list of cotton fabrics, and I should also point out that not all of these fabrics are made exclusively in cotton. You’ll also fine some of these fabrics as blends (cotton combined with another fiber), and others can be made of different fibers entirely. For example, you might find a gingham that’s a poly/cotton blend. Or a flannel made entirely of wool. But when you see the variety of fabrics that can be made with cotton, you might start thinking about your sewing, and your wardrobe, a little differently.


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