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the ladies’ stitching club is now shipping

A giant box of fabric arrived at the studio today, and around here we all know what that means: my newest Oliver + S fabric collection, The Ladies’ Stitching Club, is now shipping! As we’re getting ready to make our way out of town for a family vacation, the fabric is on its way to stores. I can hardly wait to see what you make with it. You have a head start on it while I’m away, OK?



You’ve already seen some sneak peaks of this collection with many of the Oliver + S samples we’ve made and shown over the past few months. I’ve been mixing and matching the prints, and you’ve caught glimpses of the different color palettes when we introduced the spring patterns. You’ll be seeing more of them when we introduce the fall patterns in just a few more weeks and when the new Straight Stitch Society patterns are released later this fall.



I think this is my favorite fabric collection yet. Actually, I’m sure of it. I’m happy with the bright, saturated colors and the patterns themselves. Sometimes by the time I’ve finished a fabric collection I’m a little fatigued with it by the time the fabrics are released. (Am I allowed to say that? Behind the scenes a lot of us talk about that. It’s just a function of working with the same prints for such a long time, I think.) But that hasn’t happened with this collection. I also haven’t been able to pick one single favorite print, and I’m finding more and more ways to use the designs since I’ve had time to play with them. I’ll show you what I mean and what I’ve been doing with them soon. But first I want to show you the quilt. I’ll do that tomorrow.


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