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    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    I love the badminton (modified). Added more of an a-line skirt and a ruffle at the hem. She loves it too plus it gives me an excuse to use all the character fabrics that I don’t love for her to wear in public!

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    Snow day number three here in Kentucky but 60’s are in our future….does anyone know when the new spring patterns come out??

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    I love the Swedish tracing paper method. It’s awesome stuff, you can get a large roll on Amazon!

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    I’ve been posting on and off for almost a year, but have never introduced myself. I’m Heather, wife of one hot army man and Mom to six amazing babies!!! Five boys and one girl, ranging in age from 12-2. I started sewing when I got married 14 years ago. My hubby bought me a singer (that thing was awful) and signed me up for a beginners quilting class. I was hooked. I starting sewing (terribly at first) with a sweet fellow army wife. We quilting together, through pregnancies, deployments, moves and raising babies! In the meantime I got a Bernina and always wanted to sew clothes for my kids. But let’s be real, in the early 2000’s there weren’t a whole lot of cute sewing patterns for boys and there certainly weren’t ANY blogs. Fast forward to 2011. I finally had a sweet baby girl a new Janome machine (MY favorite) and a new serger. It was the perfect opportunity to learn to sew clothes. I started with the sailboat pants in the spring of 2012 and have been sewing like crazy ever since. I LOVE sewing for my babies!!! I have definitely found my passion. We live in Kentucky (both of our home states) and enjoy each other and raising our kiddos. Love this site! Can’t wait to sew more!!!

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    Thank you Liesl. I’m going to try what you said. It’s so beautiful except for the draft in her aft. Ha!

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    The book makes it look like the “apron” goes all the way around. No bums hanging out. I don’t have any extra tulle. Ugh. It’s really long so maybe I cut try again with the same tulle :(????

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    The directions, all though not in front of me, said measure waist, this will be the size of your ribbon. Then you mark in 1/2″ on each side, which creates a gap. I knew I should have just tried it on her before I finished and wrapped the silly thing. Now I’m figuring out how to salvage.

    McStitch – you were gracious not to kick your parents out on Christmas morning 😛

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    Thanks guys! Heidi – my oz was the other oz – Kansas 😀

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    I made the 12-18 month size and my pockets gape open funny. It may be because I have such a skinny mini, but I was frustrated. I hope someone has a good answer for you! Merry Christmas!!

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    I recently made some ruffled pants from corduroy. I had two big time fails. First DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT fold your fabric up and then cut. Basically you have to make sure your corduroy is always cut in the same direction. It’s so easy to get a piece flipped and not realize it until you have already sewn. My first pair of pants looked like clown pants. On one side the corduroy was going one direction while the other side was going the other, which makes the pants look totally different colors. UGH!! On the next pair I cut my piece (and when I needed another) I flipped the pattern over and then cut the other piece. I also marked every piece with a down arrow so that I knew which direction the cord should be running. My second fail was ironing too HOT! I set my iron on cotton and ironed away. OOPS!! My ironing board has a cover, but under the cover is a metal, sort of waffle frame. When I picked up the fabric I could see the imprint of the waffle frame on the corduroy. FACE PALM!! For future pieces I turned the iron WAY down and used a pressing cloth (just an extra piece of quilting cotton I had lying around). After that everything was great. I love using corduroy!! Good luck!!

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    These are my favorite shorts. My daughter has two pairs! They are a little fitted, but I like them that way. I made the size 3, she will be 4 in September and will probably grow out of them right around that time. I especially love these shorts because I can repurpose an old button down shirt, the pattern fits perfectly. Shirts at my goodwill are $3, can’t beat a pair of $3 shorts!!

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    Okay thanks!! I think I get it now!

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    This is probably something you already know BUT I love my digital patterns on my iPad. I print them with me desktop/printer then I open the file in iBooks. It works beautifully. I love being able to just “flip” through the directions, so much handier then trying to thumb through the actual paper pattern. A perfect world would be a printed pattern with digital instructions at a reasonable price!!! Hope that helps a little.

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    I made the sketchbook shorts, in a size 10, for my 12 year old son based on his waist measurement. They fit almost perfectly. They are pretty roomy but he wears them for PJs so we like that. I would not get the size 4 if he is tall. Good luck.

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    Thank you for all of your replies. I figured it out. This coat has been so exciting I haven’t been able to sleep for 2 straight nights. Tossing and turning dreaming about laminate cotton, ha!!

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