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Why do you sew?

Just a general question I've been pondering tonight. I attempted my first 3 scissor patterns this weekend - Playdate Dress and Puppet Show Tunic and really struggled with some steps, eventually succeeding. I always learn a ton from each new O+S pattern, so no matter how difficult, it always ends up being a positive experience. But, in a moment of frustration I found myself wondering WHY am I working so hard on this, going to all this effort, when I could just buy a similar dress for $20. It was a quick passing thought and I quickly reminded myself how much I love the process of creating something so unique and beautiful and special for my darling daughter, and simply put, it's my hobby. Having taught myself to sew just a year ago, these moments of frustration surface now and again but are thankfully quickly forgotten as well.

So, I turn this question to you, for some inspiration and insight. What keeps you challenging yourself, and creating these beautiful garments for your loved ones? Is it the process, the outcome, knowing your child is the only one to be wearing that dress, cost savings, the pleasure of seeing something you made by hand with so much love and care on your child? For me, it's all of the above, except probably cost since I have an unhealthy addiction to expensive fabric.

Would love to hear your thoughts if anyone cares to share.


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