Site icon Oliver + S

Who wants to sew the Oliver + S skirts with me and win??

I'm sewing ALL the Oliver + S skirts! Yep, call me crazy, but in the next 2 months, I've committed to sewing up ALL the Oliver + S skirt patterns. (Okay, so I'm cheating because I've already sewn the Music Class Blouse and Skirt and I'm not going to do that again this time!) And I'm going to blog about it to keep myself accountable. I'm going to challenge you to join me, and here's the incentive to do so: a giveaway of 2 Oliver + S skirt patterns! And $40 gift certificates to Fat Quarter Shop! For 3 winners! Okay, now that I've used up my quota of exclamation points, here's the details: I've already blogged the introduction, and gotten a few professionals (@motherof5 @frances-suzanne @lightningMcstitch) to inspire everyone by guest posting on my blog about all the Oliver + S skirt patterns they've sewn. Nicole's post, FrancesSuzanne's post, and tomorrow is Shelley! So are you ready? Right now the Rafflecopter giveaway is open, and feel free to enter that, but what I want YOU to do is start sewing up Oliver + S skirt patterns because the link up opens Friday, and I want to see lots of YOUR Oliver + S skirts! Here's a picture of the Music Class I sewed. And thanks for listening to my late night Oliver + S skirt ravings...
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