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Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

I am finishing up 3 pair of sailboat pants in denim for the older girls. After that , I have 3 brunch jackets to make. My next pattern to draft is the brunch jacket in size 5 for Liddy, then cut out 2 for her. I will be making one in a pinwale cord rose pink with a brown floral, the other I am not too sure! She is quite keen on some lilac pinwale that she ferreted out of my stash. I didn't have a overly productive day , sewing wise, Jed decided to empty the fire ash into the paddock next to the house and then took Hugo off to footy. Of course, up goes the fence in flames with the twins, myself and a friend (who luckily called in) trying to put it out with shovels,and buckets of water. The hose did not reach and there was no time to look for an extension! Half an hour later , it was under control and we set up the hose and put it out. Jed's comment," By your message, I thought it was a big fire!" I'd rather be sewing!
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