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To blog or not to blog?

I'm debating starting a blog as a way to chronicle my sewing exploits. I read many of the blogs written by you lovely ladies, and really look forward to seeing your posts pop up in my reader. I'm not entirely sure what my goal would be, but often I find myself having so many thoughts and reflections on my projects with nobody to tell! Sure, I bore my husband with them sometimes, but I think an outlet would be good for me. Plus, down the road, to be able to show my girls what I did every night after they were asleep would be nice.

So, if you have a blog, WHY do you? Do you find it laborious to keep it up? Are you motivated to take photos and sit down and actually write out thoughtful content? What platform do you use? One other thing I am struggling with is during my free time I'd probably rather be sewing!

Also, please post a link to your blog so I can add it to my reader. I have some, but surely not all.

Thank you!

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