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Times to complete music box jumper and jump rope dress?

Hi everyone,

This is my first post on the Oliver + S Forum. I have been sewing with Oliver + S patterns for about 2 years now and am taking it to another level: I have just bought some boutique sewer licenses! I have a wee problem though: when I sew I usually do not have time to sew something from start to finish, which makes the whole process slightly longer than necessary (starting up again, you know the drill). Doing the calculations for the music box jumper and the jump rope dress, the prices go through the roof! Obviously I would like a fair price for the work, but not so people will not buy it!

I would really like to how long you usually take from cutting fabric to sewing on the last button? 1,2,3 or more hours? I would really appreciate your input!



(How much would you be willing to spent on a handmade Oliver + S dress....?)

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