Site icon Oliver + S

The zen of oliver + s

Hi Liesl- since you said you are working on taxes today...blah....I will send this now. I have been trying to figure out the feeling I get while sewing your patterns, it is pure peace. I sew a lot, almost one kids garment a day, with tracing on the weekends and cutting at night...I sew while the kids are playing around me on and off all day. I mostly use ottobre for the boys everyday clothes and oliver and s for jammies, special occasions, etc (make me more boys patterns!!!). I have recently been sewing their easter outfits using some elements of your sailboat pattern and have so enjoyed the restfulness your patterns and instructions bring to my sewing room. I think it is because I can always count on you to tell me every detail....and why...each step of the way... and the patterns are always well marked, eliminating guesswork, allowing me to just sew! I love my ottobre patterns and have become quite proficient at following them,, but it does require A LOT more brain work on my part, to figure out the sequencing and in between steps that are not explicit! Thanks for the zen in my crazy mommy life! Here's to you!

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