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The best part of my weekend is ….

I'm not really one to go about boasting about personal achievements but I just HAD to tell someone this piece of news - I just simply CANNOT hold it in.

So seeing as it IS the weekend and it has so far been the best part..... The best part about my weekend so far has to be, finding out the results of the show that were just posted on the website for all to see!!!

Out of six entries, I scored 4 first places, one second place, one nothing and the best bit ..... TWO BEST EXHIBITS IN THEIR SECTIONS!!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes.

We are heading to the show on Tuesday so I will be able to find out which one of my dressmaking entries got the "best exhibit" title - the other was for my dressed doll in her Nicey Jane dress.

I just thought I would share this with everyone and possibly find out, what is/ was the best part about your weekend?

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