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Stay Stitching Alternatives?

My ancient, not-well-adjusted sewing machine is terrible with stay-stitching, such as you do on the neck hole of a garment to keep it from stretching out while adding the collar or facing. Even when I draw a stitching line, the machine just doesn't like sewing one layer of fabric, and it always ends up somewhat inaccurate and puckery and probably stretched a bit on the bias parts, as I try to make my machine turn the curve. I have fiddled with the pressure foot pressure, sewing with paper underneath, trying different feet, and switching out the zig-zag needle plate for a single hole one, and still it just isn't good enough. So I began to wonder about using a very thin line of Liquid Stitch or similar glue or adhesive type product. Does anybody have any experience with this or similar frustrations? Thanks in advance, and apologies for asking so many questions. I'm new here and thrilled and rather dazzled by the expertise I see.

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