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picky about wearing what I've made

I know this is might be a sensitive topic for many of us--it is certainly for me! But my question is this--do you often face the problem of your child refusing to wear what you have so lovingly made? My daughter is four, and I have as of late, started to take her opinion in what kind of cloth she wants before I make something (despite knowing that the winner is always something in pink!). Sometimes she'll approve a different colour, but refuses to wear it after I have made it! My heart of course cries, remembering how many loving hours I have spent on the dress, skirt or pants. And at the same time, I know she is developing her own mind, and that is good. I mean it is good, right? Do any of you ever face this problem? Because now it seems that I not only have to check with her on the colour and cloth but also the style. But, alas the mind of a four year old is a fickle one! After requesting skirts, it turns out that she can only wear frocks! So--dear sewists, and suggestions?

asmita (yellow_blue)

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