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On using a serger……

Hello ladies!

A dear friend just gifted me a beautiful new serger! I can hardly believe it, but that is just how sweet and generous she is! It is a Husqvarna 200S and is a 4 thread machine.

Here's the thing.....while I've drooled over the idea of owning a serger, I've never used one! I am learning how it works by playing with scraps and using the different stitches in the manual.

But, my question is how do you know when and when not to use your serger?

I can see instances where it might be wasted (sewing collars, i.e.) or where it might create bulk where you don't want it. Do you only serge when a pattern tells you to finish the seams? Do you use your serger to actually do the stitching for much of your garment?

My friend says she stitches her seams on her machine, then serges what she wants. I have an aunt, however, that serges each pattern piece before she ever begins sewing.

What do you do? I want to know how to best use this wonderful machine!

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