Site icon Oliver + S

Oh what a day. Such a day!

I just simply had to share this with you lovely people because I'm sure somewhere along the line you can relate....

This week in my mad dash to finish a marathon run of projects for the upcoming show, I broke three needles (one on the overlocker while changing it!!), had cuffs at the ready and realised after overlocking that they were upside down and hence spent the next three hours trying to figure out how to put them on. I cut a collar that had a nap UPSIDE DOWN!! so had to cut another one. I overlocked INTO THE BACK of the other piece of dress while finishing the seam so I cut another back half out, seamed and finished it and now I have discovered. I HAVE TWO LEFT BACKS!!!! Aaaaaah! After such a dream run I thought it would be too good to be true.

Have you ever had sewing mishaps such as these??

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