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New Sewing Machine help

Hi all,

Two years ago I bought a $50 used Singer on craigslist and started sewing. Now, I'm addicted and I love making my baby cute Oliver + s dresses.

My birthday is coming up and I've asked for a BRAND NEW sewing machine! I'm so excited but I am also a bit overwhelmed by all of the choices!

I think I'm going to be looking in the $300-$400 dollar range so nothing too fancy but I'm wondering if you have any recommendations?

I love my old singer but it's definitely doing some funny things lately. My local fabric store sells Berninas but I think they are a bit out of my price range (???). Any other recommendations? What do you use?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ps. If you want to see pics of my ice cream (dress) addiction, you can see them here:

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