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new fabric line = future pattern sneak peaks?

So I have been looking at these new market photos, and the garments made up in the new fabric with the clothes print on them, do you think that there are new patterns on there? Under close scrutiny, I can see sandbox pants, ice cream dress, 2 +2 top, seashore dress, sailboat top, bubble dress, swingset tunic, playdate top, puppetshow shorts, and family reuinion. But, there is a line of three outfits I don't recognize, a green top (maybe picnic blouse?) a yellow top/dress with a asymetrical hem, a yellow dress that I can't make the details out on, and a green dress/blouse with blue sleeves. Can anyone else make anything else out, or have any ideas? It is like an eye spy book! (also, am I a total loser with nothing better to do with my time, or perfectly justified in squinting at the print of a fabric?)

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