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Neckband too long?….

I'm making a Raglan T-Short from the Field Trip pattern and the neckband looks awful once I've sewn it on. It attached to the neck very comfortably, there was no stretching it to fit as per the instructions. It went on almost as if it were a woven rather than a stretch. but of course then it looks dreadful and saggy.

I've gone back and checked my pattern piece (size5) against the pattern and it's correct. I checked the instruction for attaching the ends of the neckband: 1/4" seam. Tick.

Yet the neckband seems to be about half an inch too long in that it is the same length as the neckline and therefore doesn't pull the neckline in at all.

I've seen lots of lovely necklines on other people's tops, so I know others are getting it right. I've checked and double checked the pattern piece....

Jeez I hate the idea of unpicking that overlocker type stitch. I thought I'd try washing it and see if it springs into shape. Anyway the double needle for hemming it just broke so I've kinda lost enthusiasm altogether now!

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