Site icon Oliver + S

Just finised my first Oliver + S pattern!

I've got a few patterns on their way to me but UPS is just too slow for my short attention span! So I downloaded and printed the Popover pattern and whipped one up in about 40 minutes. I learned a couple of things:

1) My skinny little girl is a size 4 in length but size 3 around. Good to know for the next one (and there will be MANY next ones)

2) It is amazing how easy it is to make this pattern look really "finished." I frenched the side seams because.. well, I'll be honest, it's because my mother-in-law is coming tomorrow and she'll see this dress and I want her to approve. Shallow, I know. I also took the same ribbon I used for the straps and slipped it under the yoke as a trim and it looks amazing!

I've got four other dress patterns incoming and I think I'll pick up the Sandbox pants as well. Of course after looking through the Flickr group what I *really* want is the Puppet Show shorts but it's looking like I might win the lottery before that happens. :)

Anyway, good experience, can't wait to make more!

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