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ideas for dress ups?

I've just been asked by my local playgroup if I would make them some simple multisized dress ups for the children. My first thought was yep can do and started thinking about the little things to sew book with the bear hat and cape etc. But then I thought what about the explorer vest being turned into a cowboy vest and maybe working on a pants pattern to make the pants so that they can be tied on somehow with the sides opened (I know there is a particular name for this but it escapes me at present due to lurgy)

I need some help for a few ideas to throw around and decide which would be best for this little troup of kiddies. They are generally 2.5 year olds up to about 4 (if they aren't going to kindy already) that are really into this sort of thing.

What would you suggest for girls, for boys? using the current patterns that would be simple to whip on and off - the other specification of not falling apart and easy care will be handled by moi.

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