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How old is too old for bloomers?

My nearly 4 year old has been on a skirts/dresses kick for the better part of the year and it is driving my husband crazy! He always wants her to wear leggings or something under her dresses for modesty (esp. for school, she goes to a very active preschool with tumbling every day) but she just hates pants right now! She loves to wear tights, but it is getting past wool tights season so I am scrambling for ideas. I know the new pattern has bloomers up to size 4, should I just make a million pairs of matching bloomers to match her dresses and hope I can convince her to wear them? I love bloomers on little toddler bottoms, but I do think this might be the last summer she could wear them without seeming too young. I think I would literally have to make a matching pair for every outfit for her to go along with it.

How do you guys deal with finicky toddlers? I am so lucky she loves everything I make her as long as it is not pants! Also, what is your opinion on toddler bums in bloomers?

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