Site icon Oliver + S

Hint (about the Hint)

So, this is just a hint... or tip.... regarding the famous Oliver + S HINTS within their patterns. When sewing with the Oliver + S patterns and Liesl provides a "HINT"... ? - go with it! Trust me, it makes all the difference! While most of the time I follow her hints to the letter, the last time I made the Jump Rope dress I didn't hand baste the collar but left the pins in place. While it sewed fine, the pins were a bit annoying, it was *nothing* like how smooth it was last night when I stitched another Jump Rope collar after having hand-basted it in place first.

OH, and one more HINT (about the HINT)... usually her HINTS are applicable for other garment sewing as well and not just limited to the one pattern it is printed in. You can take the hints with you for whatever you sew! (I think the most commonly used O+S hint I use is the one where you baste a stitching line along the hem width and then use that as the pressing guide. I LOOOOOVE that one!)

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