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Harry Potter costume in Oliver and S


I'm thinking of making Harry Potter costumes as Christmas Presents (Yes, I know it's September but I'm trying to be organised, and need time to find fabric etc.). I was thinking through how to do it with the Oliver and S patterns I have. I thought I'd post this as many of you in the US have Halloween coming up. I would appeceite your help and feed back as although I am very familure with the books I have only seen most of the movies once. If you've got kids that know this inside out and back to front plase ask them for me! I am basing my costumes on the first few movies and the Lego years 1-4 game as this is what the kids have seen.



grey pants - sandbox/field trip minus the cargo pockets

White sketchbook shirt

Grey Nature Walk jumper (sweater), all in one colour,maybe without the collar and with house coloured stripes along neck opening.

LTTS Cape lengthened to floor length in black


Grey skirt - 2+2 or Sunday Brunch or Sailboat or badminton without scallops (I think the early movies have pleated skirts?)

White sketchbook shirt

Grey Nature Walk jumper (sewater) see above

LTTS Cape see above


LTTS messenger bag - gery or black with house coloured stripy lining and maybe stripy bias binding (finding the stripes could be interesting)

Do the girls need pants as well as a skirt??

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