Site icon Oliver + S


Book week is imminent and my daughter has decided she wants to go as Goldilocks. I think someone told her that was what she should go as because she has blonde ringlets. I'm a bit sad as I was keen to get busy with the hot glue gun making a gruffalo outfit or something, but we are stuck with greedy, selfish little Goldilocks.


If you were making a Goldilocks dress would you:

a) use fairy tale with sleeves (dress blue, collar white) with apron (gathered with bib)?

b) use music box (blue) with music class blouse (white) underneath and pinafor-style apron?

c) use another fab O+S pattern in a way I haven't thought of?

d) buy something from the shop?

Other relevant information: book week is two weeks and it is winter in Sydney (although still pretty warm today).

Many thanks for any thoughts, ideas or suggestions!


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