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Flickr Pool Milestone

So, have you guys noticed that the Flickr pool is approaching 25,000 photos? I find that amazing....I was thinking about this - so, probably, a lot of people post multiple photos, but a lot of people only post one each of their project. So, maybe there are 12,500 unique projects, or thereabouts?

Well, so I measured my kid's wingspan, and it was 42". If you lined up all those 12,500 projects, each worn by a kid with a 42" wingspan, it would reach 8.286 miles!

And, just think about 12,500 garments - that's a lot of garments! Some towns don't have 12500 people in it!

(Maybe I've been spending too much time analyzing data for my job and it's overflowed into my sewing world....but, seriously, 25,000 photos is pretty cool!)

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