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finishing the seam allowance when attaching a ruffle

I'm looking for a tidy way to finish the seam allowance of a ruffle that's attached to the bottom of a skirt and any suggestions would be greatly welcome. Anyone have any neat tricks? I'm currently using a zigzag stitch but I'm finding it a bit sloppy (or maybe I'm a bit sloppy?!). I'm working with light weight cotton but don't want it to add too much bulk seeing as the gathered edge of the ruffle already makes it a bit chunky. I'm thinking of trimming the edge of the ruffle and then folding over the other edge, thereby encasing the messy part (I'm sure this has a name, sorry) and possibly top stitching it into place. is this something that is done? I'll probably try it anyway but thought I'd ask here first. I'm not sure if I'm being overly fussy about this or not. I just find it very satisfying when everything is tidy on the inside.

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