Site icon Oliver + S

Fabric Scrooge's Reference

Sometimes I cut an Oliver + S pattern out of a teeny bit of fabric and then think I really must record how much fabric is truly needed for next time. Often those fabrics are odd shaped leftovers so the measurements would be meaningless. But with real width yardage it is worth noting, so instead of a list at my house, I thought I'd start a list here. Feel free to add to it.

Then, when I'm out and about and I spot a lovely remnant, or a rather expensive bit of fabric, I can refer here to see what my fellow fabric Scrooges could do with such a piece, or how little I could get away with buying. (I appreciate that the fabric guide accounts for directional patterned fabric and is generous, but I just keep having leftover bits, that then need a new bit of fabric to complete them into an outfit, then I have more leftovers... ad nauseum)

Here's one I've just cut out

1: Size 4 Secret Agent. Lengthened coat (not sleeves) by 1.5", normal width

44" fabric. used 1&2/3 yard

may not work for a fabric with a directional pattern (that is; I cut two pieces "upside down", although I think I would have only added about 3" if I hadn't)

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