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weekend links

Hello, friends!

We’re already deep into September, and I’m still adjusting from summer vacations! How are you doing?

It’s been a long time since my last Weekend Links post, so I’m popping in with a very quick one because I’ve been saving things for you. I know some of you really love these posts, and I try to do them regularly, but sometimes life just gets in the way.

Pinterest Picks

I sewed our Lisette for Butterick B6901 vest for myself, and then a certain 17-year-old stole it from me. So I may need to make another. (I can already tell I’m going to have to keep a close eye on my closet when she packs for college next year….) Here’s a little vest inspiration for your Friday.

pinterest link and pinterest link

Weekend Reading

I hope you have a great weekend. I’ll be sewing a few of our upcoming patterns. What are you making?


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