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weekend links

Hello friends!

Last week I had the opportunity to visit the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy, and what an amazing experience it was! It’s difficult to imagine such a bright, sophisticated palette could have been chosen more than 700 years ago, and the details are fantastic. That blue ceiling with the stars! Even the marble walls of the tiny chapel are actually fresco. It If you ever have an opportunity to see it, do. It’s a masterpiece in every sense of the word, to be sure. Plus, one of the paintings features the first kiss in the art history. How romantic is that?

Are you participating in our Ways to Wear It Challenge? I’m trying to see how many ways I can wear my City Stroll Wrap Skirt, which is truly a staple for me. Now that the weather is (finally) getting cooler I’ll be adding tights and boots soon. Play along with us, it’s a fun challenge, and you don’t need to sew anything to participate.  #waystowearitchallenge

Instagram picks

Weekend Reading

OK, I’m off to finish sewing the samples for our fall photo shoot, and I hope you have some fun sewing plans for the weekend! We’ll be back next week with a really fun mash-up project by the fabulous Lightning McStitch, plus a pattern that’s become a favorite for many of you. Have a great weekend!


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