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weekend links

Hello friends!

Wow, such an amazing response you had to our Advisors Circle idea! We had so many submissions it’s taken me several days to read them all, and in the process I feel like I’ve learned so much about you. What a wonderful and diverse group you are! You live all over the world, work in a wide variety of professions, and have many interests and hobbies. You also have many aspirations and ideas so I’m really inspired by your answers to the questions, and now I feel like I know you each personally and want to be friends with you all. Thanks again for your enthusiasm, and I promise to announce our panel very shortly, once I’ve made final selections and been in touch with everyone.

Last weekend some friends invited us on a skiing trip to Megeve, France, and we had such a good time with them. For me the the highlight was either skiing above the fog one day or it was the night we rode a snowcat to the top of the mountain, ate fondue, and tobogganed down the mountain–in the dark–after dinner. It was really crazy, but the entire weekend was loads of fun and a welcome break in the middle of a hectic winter.

In the meantime, spring photo shoot this weekend! I’ve sewn a lot of dresses this week, and I’m busy sewing for next week’s photo shoot as well. Next week I’ll also be finishing up my Spanish class and taking an exam, so keep your fingers crossed that I can keep my indirect and direct objects straight and remember my imperative tus and ustedes. We covered a lot of ground in this class–eight weeks of material in five weeks–so I’ll be studying this weekend, in between sewing buttons.

Pinterest Picks

Fun weekend projects with the kids. I think that envelope might be enough incentive to write a letter or two.

pinterest link and pinterest link

Both of these images could inspire beautiful quilts. The one on the left reminds me of Denyse Schmidt’s Hills and Hollers Quilt pattern, and I love the idea of adding contrast sashiko stitching to a quilt to get an effect like the dotted lines on the image at right, below.

pinterest link and pinterest link

I’m so tired of bundling up in sweaters and scarfs, all I want to wear is a crisp Classic Shirt!

pinterest link and pinterest link

And even better: summer wardrobe planning! Who else is thinking Cinema Dresses? The mother of a dear friend just gave me several yards of beautiful lace she made, so I’m definitely scheming.

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Anyone else on a Playtime Dress kick these days? I love how versatile that pattern is.

pinterest link and pinterest link

Weekend Links

So, what’s on the docket for next week? I’m glad you asked! I’ll be back to talk about the color of the year and whether it really matters, and I believe we have a special guest post or two as well. In the meantime, have a great weekend! I hope you’ve got good sewing plans.


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