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2018: setting deliberate goals

What are your sewing plans for 2018? Have you made any yet?

All this talk of New Year’s resolutions and fresh starts can be exhausting, but there’s a lot to be said for organizing the closets, sorting through the masses of things we’ve accumulated, and taking stock of what we really want and need around us. And the beginning of a new year is just as good a time to do it as any, isn’t it? Plus, I’m a firm believer that it’s good to work toward goals, and it’s always helpful to reflect a bit before jumping into the next project.

Um, I think this is enough fabric to last a while?

Over the holidays did you catch this wonderful opinion piece, My Year of No Shopping, by Ann Patchett? We have way too much stuff in our lives. And we tend to view so much of it as disposable. This feeling of having too much, of wanting to simplify and reduce, has become quite common among all this abundance. We’re feeling overwhelmed by it all! I certainly felt this way last summer when we emptied out our apartment of 25 years and chose what to ship to Spain and what to give away. Even in our tiny one-bedroom apartment we had accumulated so much. It felt good to get rid of things, but it was also really difficult. And when we finally unpack it all next August in another, hopefully long-term apartment, I want to pare down even more.

What’s your feeling about not buying any clothing for one year the way Ann Patchett did? Goodbye Valentino is hosting a one-year challenge in which the participants vow to not buy any ready-to-wear clothing for twelve months. The group has already closed (sorry–I just learned about it or I would have told you sooner), so it’s too late the join. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do a challenge like this on your own or with friends. Here are a few thoughts about setting yourself a 2018 sewing challenge, in no particular order:

I just found out about another 2018 challenge for those of you who want to take your sewing a little slower this year, making it really thoughtful and deliberate. 2018 Make Nine encourages you to choose nine items you’d like to make this year. They can be big or small projects. If you already own a lot, maybe nine things are all you need or want to sew this year. (I’m going to leave my nine things open so I can decide as I go, but I have a few ideas right now as well.) #2018makenine

Deliberate, thoughtful choices would be a great theme for 2018. What do you think? Do you have sewing and purchasing goals for 2018? Do we need another hashtag for this idea, or are we covered?


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