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weekend links

Hello friends!

Aren’t these little red-wax-capped pears adorable? Apparently the wax helps the pears to ripen properly instead of spraying wax directly on the skin the way we do in the U.S. I really enjoy shopping here in Spain because I’m always learning new things. Shopping at the butcher is still my biggest challenge because meat is cut very differently here than at home. But the butcher is patient with me, and if I tell him what I’m making he can usually help me find something that works.

Just before the holidays S’s sixth-grade class watched the film Fed Up for biology class and decided, as a group, that they would refrain from eating sugars and processed foods for ten days. (They wisely decided to wait until the holidays were over before beginning this endeavor!) It’s a fascinating film, and I’ve been trying to break the sugar (chocolate: my frenemy) habit for a while now so I told her I’d join in. We’re on Day 5 now. The first couple of days were tough, but it’s getting easier. It didn’t help that we made a gingerbread house during Christmas break that’s been taunting us. But we’re holding strong. Have you ever tried giving up sugar? I’d like to last longer than ten days to see how I feel after a couple of weeks, so I’ll let you know how it goes. So far I feel great.

Pinterest Picks

There’s a hat shop here in Madrid with the cutest mushroom hat on display. Now I know what to call it, at least! Also, how pretty is the contrast pleated black and white tulle in this vintage dress?

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Carrot soup and grilled cheese with apple and sage? (Who needs sugar?)

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A little January color inspiration, just in case your weather hasn’t been too bright and cheery lately.

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This denim skirt reminded me of our Liesl + Co City Stroll Wrap Skirt. And as I type this I’m wearing a Gallery Tunic (which I thought of when I saw this navy tunic) with my faux leather leggings.

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Weekend Reading

OK, have a wonderful weekend and we’ll be back next week with a tutorial for combining a facing with a lining, like I did for S’s Building Block Dress jumper. We’ll also have several compendiums for you, including your 2016 photo mosaics. (Have you made one yet?) See you then!


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