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weekend links

Hello friends,

It’s been a fun week on the blog, hasn’t it? Mister Domestic’s Secret Agent Trench Coat is a work of art, and thank you for the enthusiastic response to the new Lisette for Butterick swimsuits! I’m really glad you like them, and I promise to talk about fabric soon. (Hint: try Spandex House.) I can’t wait to cut out my suit(s) as soon as the patterns arrive–hopefully next week!

Good gracious, we’re already half-way through April! And you know what that means, right? That means it’s time to sign up for Me Made May, of course. I’ll totally do it if you will. I like to participate via Instagram, but you can do it however you like and you get to decide on your goals for the month. My goal is to wear something I’ve made every day, and I want to try to wear each thing more than once. (Which, frankly, isn’t going to be very difficult given that we have a whole month and I don’t have all that many clothes here in Spain.)

But before Me Made May happens, next week (April 18-24) is Fashion Revolution Week, which I think it a pretty big deal to most of us who sew and are concerned about the human rights issues surrounding cheap clothing prices today. Are you planning to participate in any way? I haven’t decided how to participate (although every time I pass Primark I fantasize about picketing it), but I will definitely be asking #whomademyclothes!

Anyway, one other thing that I wanted to bring to your attention: I’ve been busy making separate Pinterest folders for each of our Liesl + Co patterns. That way if you’re looking for inspiration for a particular style all the images are together and you don’t have to search for them among our other patterns. You can find each of the folders in my Pinterest account, which I’ve also organized alphabetically (except for some of my most-used folders, which are located at the very top).

Next week we have some really fun and inspirational tutorials for you, and we’ll be starting some new series on the blog as well. I think you’re going to like them!

Pinterest Picks

I really, really love this Butterfly Blouse and Music Class Skirt together. So age-appropriate and sweet!

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Now that April showers have arrived, it might be a good idea to have a raincoat. If you’re not ready to tackle the Secret Agent Trench Coat or the School Days Jacket you might consider the converting the Red Riding Hood from our Little Things to Sew book. I love this one. The sheer fabric is so sweet! (I wonder if you could cut up a shower curtain to get a similar result?)

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My need to sew a navy linen Gallery Dress grows stronger and stronger every day, especially after seeing this photo. And yes, I think I’ll add sleeve tabs.

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Anyone else feeling a Victorian vibe these days? Or is it just me? I really love this high neckline and the way it’s styled in such a contemporary way. It’s always fun to mix feminine and masculine in fashion.

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This beautiful bodice reminds me of Mister Domestic’s woven fabrics.

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Weekend Reading

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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