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creative resolutions: getting organized

How did the holiday season go for you? I am happy to report that I survived my first Nutcracker season. After numerous drives back and forth to the ballet school for practices, in the end it was all worth it because every performance was spectacular. As the costume manager for this production, I’m super pleased that no costumes were permanently damaged or lost! There were easily over two-hundred costumes, so that was really good news.

As soon as the final performance was over, there was some last minute Christmas dress sewing which included my first ever Garden Party dress. Have you sewn one yet? My daughter was thrilled to wear her new red and gold dress.

Now that almost all of our holiday decorations are down and put away, it’s nice to have everything tidy again. I’m really ready to start tackling my new year of sewing.

Another thing that’s motivating me to get back into the sewing room is that I just watched the first episode of “Cousu Main, Saison 2″ (in English, “Hand Stitched, Season 2”) over the weekend. It is the French version of the Great British Sewing Bee. Are you watching it, too?

As we turn the calendar page to 2016, I want to get a bit more organized than I have been in the past. One example: I’d like to make more use of my existing pattern stash (especially if I want to come up with something creative for the mash-up challenge that is currently going on). So I’ve started work on my first creative resolution for the year.

To start, I created a Pinterest board with all of the Oliver + S patterns that I own. I really love the visual aspect of Pinterest and it’s nice to have them all in one spot. I can always refer to it whenever I want and it’s so easy to add new patterns as I get them. I was recently reading that science proves that people stick to their goals better if they’re done with another person or group of people. So let’s do this together. Let’s start out 2016 by organizing our sewing patterns. Your homework for today is to go to the shop page of the website and pin all of the patterns you own onto a Pinterest board. Here are mine:

How many Oliver + S patterns do you own? I thought it would be fun if everyone would share their pattern stash, so please leave a link (in the comments section) to your Oliver + S sewing pattern Pinterest board, so we can all see.

I have also seen Pinterest boards dedicated to each pattern a person owns in order to offer inspiration on what can be done with it. This is a really good idea, too.

Here’s another organizational tip I have for you today. When was the last time you measured your growing child? Print out a fresh new Measurement Chart and fill it in with his or her updated measurements.

So there you have it. Just a few tips for getting organized in this new year. Happy planning! May this be your best sewing year yet!


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