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happy thanksgiving!

We don’t take family photos very often. We should, but we just don’t. Maybe it’s because we take so many photographs for work. Thank goodness that our friend Rita insisted on taking this photo last week in Paris because we wanted to take a minute to personally thank you and to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!


Todd looks really cold, doesn’t he?


We’re so thankful for each of you in this little community of sewing enthusiasts and friends. It’s such a pleasure to be part of your lives and to share in your creative endeavors. Thank you for sharing with us! We love it when you post photos of your sewing and show us how you live creatively.

We’re also thankful for how you’ve reached out to us and become our friends. Many of you have helped us to get settled here in Madrid, and you’ve contacted us to offer suggestions or ideas when it comes to moving, learning a new language, travel, or as it relates to sewing and family. So although we won’t be eating turkey this year (I will still make a pumpkin pie!), we’ll be giving thanks for your friendship and for this community. Thank you, wherever you live. And whether you celebrate Thanksgiving Day or not!


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