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weekend links

Hello, friends!

I had a wonderful time in Italy last weekend at the Abilmente show! Much of the fun was in making some wonderful new friends, like Saara and Laura from Named Patterns, who are both absolutely sweet and lovely. At the show they were both wearing samples from their newest collection, and they both looked stunning. They’re such charming and talented women! It’s lovely to meet people you only know on-line, isn’t it?

Also, I had the great pleasure of working with Silvia of the blog Sewing Princess, who volunteered her time for four days to hang out with me and translate at the show. She was endlessly energetic and enthusiastic and did a bang-up job of translating a talk I gave to a group of sewists on Saturday, chatting about business and giving advice about blogging and sewing and all sorts of things. This was the first time I gave a talk with the help of a translator, and I must say it’s very different from just speaking off the cuff. (Actually, it felt a bit like filming instructional videos, which often involves a lot of stopping and starting which can make it difficult to stay focused on the topic.)

Everyone at the show was absolutely wonderful. I had the pleasure of meeting Nicoletta, Silvia, Sasha, and Anna as well as many sewing enthusiasts. And the second highlight of the trip was when Daniela took me to various places in Italy in the evenings after the show was finished for the day. Even in the dark, and often in the rain, Vicenza and Verona were really beautiful. It was well worth the late nights to explore these beautiful cities, and I’m eager to bring Todd and S back for a visit. Maybe a ski trip this winter? We’ll see. In any case, I’m really grateful to have been invited. Thank you, everyone! And special thanks to the lovely Gioia, who coordinated everything and made my trip possible.

And now I’m back! This weekend I’ll be watching Instagram for glimpses of my fabric collection at Quilt Market, and next week we’ll be picking up our Spanish residence cards (hurray!).

Pinterest Picks

It’s finally starting to feel like fall in Madrid, and we turned on the heat yesterday for the first time. Of course my thoughts are turning to cool-weather clothes. I gave both of my Woodland Stroll Capes to friends and now I need to make another! There are so many pretty wool coatings in the fabric stores right now, I’m having trouble deciding on a color. But I love the zipper detail and contrast trim on this similar style.


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By the way, if you’re looking for some more Woodland Stroll Cape inspiration, FabricTragic sewed a beautiful one in plaid. And if you’re sewing a cape for yourself, why not sew a matching one for the little one? This Forest Path Cape sewn by Daisies and Dresses is so cute in plaid.


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And speaking of cold-weather wear, the lovely SanityStitches finished her Lisette B6244 coat so quickly after the sew-along last week!


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Isn’t this dress pretty! I love the idea of quilting a solid-colored yoke for the Hide-and-Seek Dress. In wool or flannel for autumn, of course.


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And here are the perfect shoes for that cozy autumn dress. So, so sweet.


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Weekend Reading (and Watching)

  1. First of all, if you read or watch nothing else this weekend, watch this hamster do backflips! Every time we watch it at our house we all laugh hysterically.
  2. It’s nice to know, in light of Slow Fashion October, that you can still buy L.L.Bean boots that are made and sourced in the U.S.! (Assuming you can secure a pair for yourself, that is.)
  3. Fascinating science.
  4. Theodore Roosevelt said “comparison is the thief of joy,” and if you’ve ever compared yourself to someone else you’ll appreciate this helpful guide for overcoming jealousy and feeling pride instead.
  5. Here in Madrid, a lot of S’s classmates walk to and from school unaccompanied. We’re not there yet–S still has to learn her way around the city a bit better–but it’s certainly a big change from NYC, and I was intrigued to learn that many children in Japan also go to school alone.

OK, I’m off to get a little sewing done. Hope you have a wonderful, creative weekend!


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