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catching up

With everything that’s been going on around here lately, I’ve developed a backlog of items I want to tell you about. So let’s do a catch-up post!



First of all, I’ve been meaning to mention that I’ll be the guest lecturer and teacher at the Smocking Arts Guild of America annual convention in Orlando, Florida, September 17-21. You can download the brochure with all course and lecture information here. And no, you don’t need to know how to smock to take the classes. I won’t be teaching any smocking at all! But if you have any interest in sewing, especially clothing, you’ll learn a lot from the conference. (And if you are interested in smocking and in heirloom techniques, I really think contemporary clothing is ready for some of those beautiful techniques. I’m thinking about ways I can incorporate them in my own sewing. You might find inspiration there, too.) I hope you can join us for the weekend!



Also, have you heard about Fashion Revolution Day? April 24 (next Thursday) will be the anniversary of the tragic Rana Plaza textile factory collapse in Bangladesh, which killed over 1100 people and injured more than 2500 more. Fashion Revolution Day commemorates the tragedy and asks, “Who made your clothes?” The mission of Fashion Revolution Day is to “raise awareness of the true cost of fashion, show the world that change is possible, and celebrate all those involved in creating a more sustainable future.” Get involved by wearing your clothes inside out next Thursday. Read more here. And join other sewing bloggers here. I plan to wear my Lisette Attache Dress inside out! #insideout



Also, if you’re interested in doing more sewing for yourself you might want to get involved in selfish sewing week, which begins April 28. And let’s just state right now that, despite the name, you absolutely should not feel selfish if you spend time sewing for yourself, ok? So put the guilt aside and make something that you feel good about wearing.

Did I cover everything? I feel like I missed something.



Oh, I know! I haven’t seen it yet, but my regular column in the newest issue of Sew News talks about how to develop a core wardrobe. I’ve always aspired to own just a few items of clothing that I can wear multiple ways and that will get me through almost any day or any trip with a minimum of fuss. It probably has a lot to do with our tiny closets here in New York, but I really do think that if you put a little thought into your key items of clothing you’ll spend a lot less time worrying about what to wear. And you’ll feel better about how you look.

Ok, I think that’s it! I’ll be back tomorrow with some resources for knit fabrics for all you T-shirt sewists out there.


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