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flat s arrives in the united kingdom

We have just received word that Flat S has arrived in the United Kingdom! Wow, does that little flat kid get around. It looks like she’s had a wonderful time seeing the sites with Catherine (who blogs at Runcibledays) and her family.

So let’s turn this over to Catherine for a report on what Flat S has been up to across the pond.

We were very excited to have a visit from Flat S this week, as she was passing through the UK on her round-the-world tour.

She arrived in England on the Cutty Sark, and managed to bring some LA sunshine with her.

Thanks, Flat S!

She seemed a little shy at first, but after a quick game of hide-and-seek she felt like part of the family.

Back at our house Flat S settled in immediately.

She showed us some of her football skills, and everyone wanted to be on her team!

Then it was time for some sight-seeing. Flat S wanted to see the maze at Hampton Court, and was first to the middle (some of us got very lost). But we all managed to get out again in time for an ice-cream and a walk in the park.

Flat S was ready to see more: she walked along the Greenwich Meridian.

She touched a meteorite.

And she wondered whether to buy a T-shirt (but decided that she already had plenty of clothes back home). Luckily she had timed her visit to be with us during the school holidays, so we had plenty of time for days out.

And, when we got home, there was lots more time for football!

All too soon, it was time for Flat S to go on with her travels. We put the football away and broke out the bunting for a farewell tea-party.

Ever helpful, Flat S gave the veggies a final watering before she set sail again.

She didn’t say where she’s going to go next….

Bon Voyage, Flat S! You can come and stay again any time!

And we can’t wait to find out where she’s heading next. Thanks so much, Catherine, for showing her such a nice time on her visit!


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