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weekend embroidery

Next Saturday, April 6 from 2:00-4:00 PM, I’ll be joining the wonderful Rebecca Ringquist (who I’ve never met!) and my good friends from Creativebug to co-host a Crafternoon event at the New York Public Library. If you’re in the New York City area, I hope you can join us.

We’re going to be embroidering hankies and decorating them with tassels, so it should be loads of fun. And Rebecca mentioned something about her grandmother’s autograph book when we spoke on the phone, so I have a feeling there’s going to be some great inspiration in terms of what to embroider.


Handkerchief from the NYPL


This is a free event, but reservations are recommended due to limited space.  You can get all the details, and find out how to register, by visiting the event page on the New York Public Library’s site. I hope to see you there!


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