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after google reader

Google’s announcement that it will decommission Google Reader on July 1 hit the crafting community hard. Crafters love to read blogs. Dedicated blog readers love Google Reader. Crafters  love Google Reader.



Now that you’ve moved through the denial, anger, bargaining, and depression stages of your grief, we thought we would take a minute to help you make those first steps into the acceptance stage.

First off, you’ll need to find a replacement RSS reader. Lifehacker provides a list of their five favorite RSS readers. Take a look at their list, try out one or two, and make your pick.

Then it’s time to migrate your subscriptions over. Mashable comes to the rescue here with text and video instructions for how to export your subscriptions from Google Reader. Follow these steps to download a file to your computer. Then, following the instructions for your new reader, import your feed list. Voilà! You’re back in action.

Make sure to download your subscriptions from Google Reader before July 1. Decided not to download your subscriptions because you want to use this as an opportunity to start over and clean up your feed list in a new reader? Don’t forget to add the Oliver + S blog! Here’s a link to our blog’s RSS feed.

What are you planning to use?


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