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our 2013 valentines

We got an early start on Valentines this year when I came across these cute notebook-paper-printed gift bags at Paper Presentation. They’re perfect envelopes for school Valentines, so S and I got busy with stamping, watercolor paints, scissors and washi tape. They were fun to make and kept us busy for a few evenings.



We started by painting abstract watercolors on heavy watercolor paper. Once that was dry we were able to cut out the heart shapes. S cut hers freehand. I, of course, like to determine the final shape by cutting a piece of scratch paper and using it as a template. We were able to cut about 4 valentines from each sheet of watercolor paper.  Then we wrote our messages on the valentines and cut two little slits in them so lollipops could be inserted. I love what S wrote for Todd’s valentine. She calls him Daddy, but she always writes to him by name. (I’ll finish writing mine now that the photos have been taken and I can get a little mushy in private.)



We used a heart-shaped paper punch to make colorful confetti to be tucked into each envelope. We didn’t use much because I was worried about getting confetti all over the classroom floor at school, which might not go over so well with the teacher or the custodian. I had some leftover paint chips that we used for Todd’s valentine, and we used colorful construction paper for the classroom valentines.



Each little notebook bag/envelope was stamped with the recipient’s name and sealed with a few pieces of washi tape. S loved the stamping part.



S had so much fun with these, and they allowed her to exercise her own preferences, which is important to her when she’s making something. I liked that they were quick and easy and didn’t involve a lot of planning, since we mostly used materials we had on hand.


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