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what about winning that book on your list?

A year or two ago I wrote a book. And a lot of you have that book and have sewn a whole bunch of projects from it. This time of year it seems to be especially popular because it includes lots of gifty projects that are easy and cute to make for all the kids on your list. You know, mittens, hats with ears, that sort of practical but fun stuff.




And Tutus. How can I forget tutus? Every girl has a tutu on her Christmas list, doesn’t she? No? That’s just because she didn’t think to ask. Or maybe she’s a practical little one and only thinks tutus are only appropriate summer wear. Not so! Just check out S a couple Christmases ago. A tutu is a perfect holiday accessory. It’s all about how you layer it.



I hope the book has given you some handmade holiday inspiration this year.

And if you know my book, you might also know that STC, my publisher, makes a whole bunch of really gorgeous books that provide year-round crafty inspiration. I mean, really spectacular books. I chose STC for my book because I think they (Melanie Falick and team, specifically) put out the most beautiful, inspiring, and useful craft books in the business.

Like I said the other day, books make great Christmas gifts. And to help you give the give of crafty book goodness this year (or maybe I should say “to give you some crafty book goodness this year”), STC has generously offered two free books as a give-away for the holidays.  (One book is supposed to be for me and one for you, but I’ll give my copy to a second winner. Think of it as my little holiday gift to you.) And, to make it even better, STC is letting the winners pick from any of the following titles:

You know all these books and have been drooling over them, right? So let’s see. For our contest, let’s do this. Tell me, in a comment, your most memorable holiday gift ever. Was it handmade? Gigantic? So horrible you break out in a rash every time you think about it? Tell me about it! I’ll randomly pick two winners on Thursday around noon ET. We’ll contact the winners via email for their book selection and shipping address.

(And yes, I will be picking winners at random, but if your number is drawn and you haven’t told me about your most memorable holiday gift in your comment, I’ll draw another winner in your place. Got it? Good. This should be fun!)

After you’ve left your comment why not visit The STC Craft Blog for their annual Handmade Holiday countdown, featuring tutorials, tips, visual inspiration, and maybe a surprise or two. And, by the way, STC is also running a special web promotion: 30% off a selection of books from now through the end of the year. Check out the list here (and take note that the Alexander McQueen book on my list is included, although Little Things to Sew is not, unfortunately).

Oh yes, one more thing. Whatever you do when you leave your comment, do not check that little box that says, “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.” Just trust me. You really don’t want to do that.


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