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christmas PJs

Of all the handmade items at our house (and there are a lot of handmade items at our house), pajamas get the most use. Not just by a little bit. They are by far the most-worn, most used, most loved item that I make. I’m often surprised at how long they last, too! S has a few PJs (because I make another pair every so often), but they last her so long that when she finally outgrows them I often look back and can’t quite believe that I made them three years ago. Shocking, especially considering that most of her other clothing doesn’t last more than a year. (Except for skirts and shorts, which usually last for a couple of years. Do you find this, too? Shirts, dresses, and pants need more frequent replacing, with all the growing that goes on.)

Anyway, I love the tradition of Christmas PJs. Everyone gets a new pair (in most families this happens on Christmas Eve, right?), and the opening-the-gifts photos look adorable as a result, because everyone is nicely attired in their cozy new pajamas. The group photos are awfully cute, too. Witness this fabulous foursome. (Love Little Mr. Red Slippers on the right! He looks pretty pleased with the whole set-up, especially the lollipop.)



I can’t really decide which of our pajama patterns I prefer. The Bedtime Story PJs are really fast to make. But the Sleepover PJs have so many options for customizing and making them special. So keep that in mind as you’re choosing and making your sewing list.

Need a little  inspiration for your holiday PJ sewing? Here are a few of my favorites that you’ve made.





And hey, a new Pajama Pinterest board, just up. Check that off the list. And of course there’s always the Flickr group for lots more photos. Check. Now all you need to do is pick your favorite flannel and get find a little quiet time. Which, this month, is the biggest luxury of all, isn’t it? I like to think of it as therapy, with all the other craziness going on right now. (Must finish that pom-pom garland!)

One more photo? OK, twist my arm. Look at this cutie in her Sleepover Pajamas.



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