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if it’s october, halloween must be right around the corner

And it is!

For the last several weeks on the  Oliver + S Facebook page, we have been highlighting Halloween costumes that some of our most adventurous customers have sewn by customizing Oliver + S patterns. And what wonderful things we’ve found!

If you’re interested in making something special for this year’s Halloween costume, we’ve assembled some wonderful inspiration for you.




OK, before I go further, let me make this clear so no one feels guilty. I’m a working parent, too, and understand the attractiveness of a costume assembled, last-minute, from the contents of the dress-up box. Believe me. If that’s your chosen method of costume construction, you have my full approval. And that may be what I end up doing this year, too.

That said, some of the costumes I’ve seen recently are simply astounding. They go way above and beyond anything I would ever have dreamed of making. And I certainly didn’t envision anything like them when I was designing the sewing patterns themselves, so you’re a creative bunch. And I want to share what all of you have done. So take a look!

You can click through to see the past updates one-by-one on the Facebook page, or you can view all of these great creations (and more) on an Oliver + S Halloween Pinterest board that I have assembled. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I have!

What are your Halloween costume plans?


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