
Will you find one of the treasures in your neighborhood? Mighty Girl

If there’s already Spanglish, why not Chinglish too: The New York Times

What sewing machines and pre-paid cell phones have in common: Harvard Business Review

Gummi bear surgery: Like Cool

Our next non-sewing craft project will be these cork vases: Paper n Stitch

Made me laugh; the horrors of long legs: Heather Bailey

Have vitamins and exercise replaced girdles yet? Paleo-Future

Nope, not yet. Not even close according to this data on U.S. obesity trends. I knew it was bad, but I had no idea it was this bad: Chew Your Grouse

The rest of the country may be carrying a few extra pounds, but these guys certainly aren’t; beefcake quilting fabric: The Selfish Seamstress




  1. Is that what beefcake means? And, here I was thinking it was something cooking related. I am SEW behind the times, aren’t I?

  2. Sandi

    Oh, those obesity charts are just awful!!

  3. Sandi

    The cork wrapped can is a great Father’s Day craft idea! I think I may help my little girl make Daddy a new pencil cup for his office.

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